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What is a Clipping technique?

Photoshop has many different techniques to solve one issue which does an excellent job. It alters images with the best quality. Some of the image editing processes are very lengthy which uses more than 2 clipping paths to cut out the image background or image objects. The main purpose of it is to make the image better with clear and perfect imaging quality. Most the images are turned to vector format and then worked on them and after editing the image, it is turned back to raster format which can be used for the commercial and other uses. Photoshop Clipping Service is also known as the Clipping Path Service where the pen tool is used to draw lines along the subject or the product to select the product and detach everything from it. The layers are unlocked and then the working process is started, after the detaching the subject from the background. The background is deleted and then a new layer is added. The new background is added with the new plain color like white or bl...

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